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Your Choice
Easily find the Work Lounge that fits your needs today
Report your arrival to the staff.
Check in automatically via our WiFi.
comfortably seated
Enjoy discounts on coffee, tea, food and other great stuff.
Start working
Always access to power.
Well seated and ready to get it done!
The freedom to chose
In a world with continuing pressure on resources, we take advantage of unused space during the daytime work hours, and create co-working in an innovative and sustainable way. Find a Work Lounge near your residence and avoid commuting to work in a car or other transportion that pollutes. Grap the bike. With a reasonable price range, SOHO NOMADS is an alternative for the digital nomad, freelancer, startups and people who work from home.
As a member of SOHO NOMADS you choose freely among different unique locations that we call Work Lounges, around the city. It can be a beautiful curated room in a restaurant or a cool hotel lobby. Here you can work in peace without the fear of being asked to leave og obligated to buy lots of coffee. As a member you do get disconts on food and coffee though. You do not commit to a binding contract or a deposit. Perfect for the mobile and independent worker - the digital nomad.
In the list of Locations you can see wich Work Lounges you can choose from. We will continueally add more Work Lounges, and our ambition is to have locations all over the city. It has to be amazing, inspirering and different than a regular office space. Our ambition is also international with the locations and the network of people - the community.
Mød vores team
Casper is one of SOHO’s three partners and the guy who runs the show. Casper is an excel whizzard and has a firm grip on the SOHO steering wheel.
Have tried to reboot? If the answer is yes, then you can get in touch with Anders. SOHO NOMADS IT-chief, and the mand with the awesome hair and happy face.
Inhouse octopus. Pr & Communication. Sarah is our friend when we get stuck and need help get unstuck. Sarah is also the one who catches when Hail-Marys are thrown!